2025 Sampling
Sampling occurs on the 2nd Saturday of each month from March through November. All samplers must attend a training in order for our data to be accepted by the Ohio EPA.
New Sites for 2025? We are currently looking at our sampling sites to see if we need to add a few more locations. If you have ideas for publically acceesible stream locations, please get in touch and we will consider them. We look at the distribution of current sites and local landuse when selecting new locations.
Sample Collecting Volunteers
Samples are collected on the 2nd Saturday of each month from March through November. It looks like all of the permanent sites are covered, however we are looking for people to act as subs to cover for vacations, sickness, etc. If you are interested in finding out more, please email Lynn.
Training and Data Sharing Event
Saturday, February 8, 9 am.
At the Butler County Engineers Office, 1921 Fairgrove Ave, Hamilton, OH 45011
Lab Volunteers
We use SignUpGenius to signup lab volunteers- just to make sure you don't drive to the lab needlessly. You will need to contact Lynn to receive the link for the parking pass for Miami.
Lab Training Videos
Thanks to Zak Schultz, one of the 2020 awesome graduate students, we now have training videos for each of the lab stations.
Habitat Evaluation
cQHEI is a visual assessment of the creek habitat, looking at things like substrate, tree cover, and fallen logs. Here is the form that is used for scoring cQHEI form
To become a habitat volunteer, please complete the following:
Watch and score the two test videos (about 3 minutes each) (Indian Creek and Rentschler)
Then, contact Lynn and send her your score sheets for the two test videos
Butler County Stream Team is a citizen science group that collects, analyzes, and reports water quality data from many waterways in Butler County.
The Stream Team exists through the collaborative effort of Butler County resident volunteers, the Institute for the Environment and Sustainability at Miami University, the Butler County Storm Water District, and the Butler Soil and Water Conservation District.
Collecting Samples
Testing Samples
Latest News
Lab Signup
We use SignUpGenius to signup lab volunteers- just to make sure you don't drive to the lab needlessly.
Sunday Bacteria Count
1 person to assist Tera each month to count bacteria samples. 10:30 - 1:30 ish. Email Tera.​
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